
Speedrunning Catagories

Reset% - travel back in time and kill kitler (AC  Allowed)
Moon% - travel to the moon (AC Banned)
Rave% - travel to mars (AC Allowed)
Elon% - purchase an Elon (AC Allowed)
Rich% - obtain 1m coins (AC Allowed)
Miner% - destroy 10 stones (AC Banned)
Rapper% - get rapper shibe (AC Banned)
(During Easter) L’Egg% - collect all eggs (AC ?) 

Rules for Speedrunning

 No using an autoclicker in non autoclicker runs. 

Must be on 0 resets, reset your game before starting run.

Timer starts the moment you click the rock for the first time.

No cheating. I think you know what we mean by cheating.

No changing the date on your device. This would go with no cheating but some don’t consider it cheating.

Submit your save along with your video of the run.

Must be logged out of patreon.

Current WR's
(👑Top Holder: Babylion122)

Reset% - N/A

Moon% - Slax
Rave% - Babylion122
Elon% - N/A

Rich% - Babylion122

Miner% - Slax

Rapper% - Babylion122
L'Egg% - N/A

Current WRs (non speedrun)
"Most Timelines"
Vicious Crystal at 500

"Most DPS"

"Most Shibes"
"Most DogeDiamonds"
TheStriker132 at 23945

To apply for a non speedrun world record please message babylion122 on Discord